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Lupus Facts

* Lupus is a chronic, auto immune disease, which causes inflammation of various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. The immune system normally protects the body against viruses, bacteria and other foreign materials. In an immune disease like Lupus, the immune system loses it’s ability to tell the difference between foreign substances and it’s own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against “self” . There is also immune cells which are directed against the host’s own body.

* Lupus is NOT infectious, rare or cancerous.

* Lupus is more prevalent than leukemia, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and Cystic fibrosis. Lupus research data shows that between 1.4 million and 2 million people have been diagnosed with lupus. (Study conducted by Bruskin/Goldring Research, 1994).

* Although the cause of lupus is unknown scientists suspect that individuals are genetically predisposed to lupus, and know that environment factors such as infections, antibiotics, ultraviolet light, extreme stress and certain drugs play a critical role in triggering lupus.

* Lupus affects 1 out of every 186 Americans and approximately 50,000 Canadians.

* Lupus strikes adult women 10 - 15 times more frequently than adult men. Lupus is more prevalent in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asians. About 2 - 25% of all lupus occurs in children.

* Girls have lupus about 3 - 7 times more than boys. Lupus proportionately occurs more often in boys than men. Adult males make up 5 - 15% of the lupus population, but boys represent 20 - 40% of those with childhood lupus. Lupus is more severe at early ages and milder in older age groups.

* Childhood lupus is frequently serious and organ threatening. Aggressive management increases the chances for good quality life during adulthood.

* Only 10% of people with lupus will have a close relative (parent or sibling) who already has or may develop lupus. Only about 5% of the children born to the individuals with lupus will develop the illness.

* Lupus can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms come and go and mimic many other illnesses. Some symptoms of lupus can be transient joint and muscle pain, fatigue, a rash caused by or made worse by sunlight, low grade fevers, hair loss, pleurisy, appetite loss, sores in the nose or mouth or painful sensitivity of the fingers to the cold.

* Sunlight, infections, injuries, surgery, stress or exhaustion can trigger “flare-ups” of lupus (a more active state of the disease).

* Although lupus ranges from mild to life threatening and at least 5,000 Americans die with lupus each year, the majority of cases can be controlled with proper treatment.

* Increased professional awareness and improved diagnostic techniques and evaluation methods are contributing to the early diagnosis and treatment of lupus. With current methods of therapy, 80 - 90% of people with lupus live more than 10 years after diagnosis. Most people can look forward to a normal life span.

* While medical science has not yet developed a method for curing lupus, new research brings unexpected findings and increased hope each year.

* The Dorough Lupus Foundation supports selected research projects related to the causes, treatments, prevention and care of lupus. Unfortunately, the hope that research can find the cause and a cure for lupus is diminished by the fact that federal money is spent on lupus research per patient than AIDS, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or cystic fibrosis.

At present, the federal government does not allocate any funding to lupus–we rely solely on support generated through the public! The most effective way to expand awareness and increase support of this deadly disease is through celebrities and high profile personalities-- Such support is crucial or this deadly disease will remain just that!!!!


Dorough Lupus Foundation

Step For The Cause