Howie D Appreciation Day Lupus Walk-A-Thon ~ Toronto ~
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Howie D. Appreciation Day Lupus 5km Walk-A-Thon ~ Toronto ~ Spring 2006.
It is our wish as the Howie D Appreciation Day Lupus Walk-A-Thon - Toronto Committee, to organize a 2km kiddie Trot and a 5km Walk-a-thon in the Spring of 2003. All proceeds will be donated to the Dorough Lupus Foundation-inc.Wings of Hope(R)

"The Howie D Appreciation Day Lupus Walk-A-Thon will go a long way in focusing the public's attention about the disease and bring to light the unbearable suffereing the Lupus patient has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. With funding from this benefit, the Dorough Lupus Foundation-inc Wings of Hope (R) will allot monies to various organizations for research, education and finacial assistance to Lupus patients.

The project will consist of 2 seperate events. The first stage will be a 2km Kiddie Trot. This event will be open to children 2-10 years of age. The second stage will be a 5km Walk and will be open to all age. For all events there will be various prizes awarded based on amount pledged. The Howie D Appreciation Day Lupus Walk-A-Thon - Toronto Committee, Directed and chairperson by Megan Davidson (myself) will provide funding for this project by requesting sponsorship from various organizations and the funding from walkers/runners. The Committee will pass on all monies to the Dorough Lupus Foundation-Inc Wings of Hope(R) for distribution.

At the moment, I'm working on scheduling the event at Miliken Park in Toronto, Canada at 10am until finished. I will give you a date when I get one.
Thank you,
Executive Director

We will place pictures of the event in one of the photo page forums.