About Megan Davidson
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About me

Name: Megan Davidson

DOB: October 10th

Born: Toronto, Canada

Occupation: Actress, singer, Executive Director

Fave. Color:  Teal

Fave. foods: Chinese, Mexican, Italian & Greek

Marital staus: Widowed

Children: Daughter 27, Son 22

Fave.Groups & Artists: Michael Jackson, Backstreet Boys, Areosmith, Bon Jovi,  Leif Garrett, Kalan Porter, Led Zeppelin and lots more!!

Hobbies: I enjoy the arts, outdoors, sports, working out, listening to music. Volunteering in fundraisers for the Dorough Lupus Foundation.

Height: 5'6"

weight 138 lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue/green

I like to go out to  movies, dinner, the beach, just about anything. I'm honest, sincere, and I have a big heart.

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The Story Behind My Site
I found out a dear friend of mine for over 12 years has Lupus and it floored me, so I decided to do something about it. I called the Dorough Lupus Foundation and talked to Angie, Howie's sister about a fundraiser that would bring awareness and raise money for Lupus with all proceeds going to the Dorough Lupus Foundation. After reviewing my proposal and talking to members of their fund-raising committee and discussing it with the Board of Directors, who happen to be Howie (Foundation President) Angie (Vice-President, Executive Director) Pollyanna, John, Mr and Mrs. Dorough (Board of Directors)They approved me. So now I have an Annual Howie D. Appreciation Day Fundraiser held every summer in Toronto, Canada. I would like to Thank the Dorough Family for giving me the opportunity for making a difference.

Megan Davidson

Thank you
Unfortunetly, my friend Leslie passed away  August 2002 due to complications of Lupus and other medical problems. She will be sadly missed by her friends and family,  May you rest in peace Leslie, I miss you already.

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